Songa Rafting Probolinggo

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015

Songa Rafting Probolinggo

Rafting Songa or commonly referred to Songa Adventure is a natural attraction to the genre of adventure or adventure in the form of white water rafting which is located in Probolinggo. Rafting tour is located in the village of Ranu Gedang, sub Tiris, Probolinggo district, East Java province. With bermedankan Probolinggo Pekalen river that flows fairly heavy, slowly this tour started attracting both local and foreign tourists.

Songa Rafting is one of the mainstays than tourism in Probolinggo district, after the famous Mount Bromo Travel with sunrise tour and Bromonya crater. Local authorities are trying to improve the facilities and infrastructure for the betterment of the local community economy to constantly monitor and supervise one of the assets the government is supposed to have visited by the King of Majapahit King Hayam Wuruk and patihnya faithful is of Gajah Mada.

One of Probolinggo regency tourism icon is sourced from springs Mount Argopuro and Mount Lamongan with average river width of 5-20 meters and a water depth of approximately 1-3 meters. And is one of the most challenging rafting tour in the range of tourist attractions in East Java

This exercise can boost your adrenaline, also can train your mental cooperation within the team with a condition that could be said to be "Not Quiet". Is because you will be divided - for a groups while you wade a river full of rapids. Each group will board a rubber boat. and one group consisting of 4 to 5 people. Everyone in the group will be required to be able to work well together in order to be able to keep the rubber boat was not reversed when the boat hit a rock and past the rapids. It can be said is not something easy to do, because it is based on a lot of experience is very hard to keep the boat still drove safely without crashing and caught in the river stones.

Here you will see the beautiful views across the river Pekalen from a different angle than you originally imagined just a rocky river into a cool river with rapids large and small are quite challenging. besides that you'll be treated to a view of a small waterfall and cave bats are of course very charming. Here you can take a photo with as much, with the camera itself or could you please mememinta special officer provided to take your photos. You are guaranteed adventure will not end here. Because in the area near the post stops you will see a challenge other than on this adventure. and will challenge you who have the guts to jumping off the cliff with a height of about 5 meters.

Safety is paramount in these sports activities. Because without the use of equipment used for adequate safeguards and experienced experts and professionals, unwanted events could be easily happen. Therefore, we are very concerned and care about the safety of our clients. The management will equip each of you with a helmet for safety, tool pelampungan, and also a guide who will guide and describes the characteristics of the river Pekalen, rescuers will also ensure the safety of the rapids and will also be a brief explanation on how to use a helmet, life jacket, as well as how to swim in a river rafting as well as tips and tricks so that the boat is not overturned. Therefore, you do not have to worry about trying this Rafting Adventure activity.

Songa probolinggo rafting is one of the tourist concept that combines two main magnetic attraction nature Indonesia. extreme sports & amp; natural beauty is packed with slick, and accompanied by human resources which meet national standardization both in capabilities and services. certainly will pamper you all behind wild river rapids kromong. dare to try
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